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BHOA Rules

The purpose of the Bellewood HOA Rules is to preserve the quality of life, the appearance, and the high property values in our community.  The rules have been approached in a positive light, hoping to set the tone for continuing confidence and pride in Bellewood. All homes in Bellewood, together with the exterior of all improvements and the landscaping, shall be maintained by homeowners in a neat, attractive, and safe condition. The Bellewood HOA has the responsibility to promulgate use restrictions, rules and regulations for the community to enhance enjoyment and maintain the appeal of the subdivision. For many of the items detailed below, the rule restates current covenant language and additional information may be found in the provisions of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Bellewood.

Click here to download a printable copy fo the BHOA Rules. 

Awnings shall be limited to courtyards (alleyway back patios), side yards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of awnings, must be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Birdhouses and bird feeders shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair.

Clotheslines, laundry, garments and associated hanging items shall be concealed from view of the street, neighboring units and property located adjacent to the community.

Conservation equipment and/or generators shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of conservation equipment and/or generators, must be submitted to and approved by the HOA Board. The Board may consider a hardship exception for generator placement necessary due to emergency or extreme health needs.

Construction controls are the responsibility of the homeowner. This includes, but is not limited to, consideration of other owners during normal work hours, delivery of work materials and removal of excess materials during and upon work completion, erosion control, permit signs, containment and removal of trash and debris in a timely manner, and the general appearance of the site. All exterior repairs that have a reasonable expectation for loud noise shall be performed between the hours of 8:00am and 8:30pm, Monday through Saturday. The City of Dunwoody code also prohibits construction noise on the following observed holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Dumpsters, (or any other containers for collecting trash or debris (other than standard trash) large equipment and portable lavatories shall be approved by the Board prior to placement on any lot, and may be located there for a period as approved by the Board and shall be removed within 48 hours after the completion of the project. Dumpsters shall be placed in the driveway unless the grade of the driveway prohibits such placement. Commercial vehicles, with or without trailers, shall not be parked overnight outside of garages.

Decorative hardware, including door hardware, and property identification markers shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of decorative hardware and property identification markers, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Driveways shall be painted, kept clean and free of debris and in good repair and maintained consistent with the Development-Wide Standard. Any alteration to or addition of driveways shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The ARC may require a specific type and color of paint to be used.

Any request to conduct an estate sale shall be submitted to and approved by the HOA Board. Additional Estate Sale Rules are included on the Bellewood Estate Sale Request Form.

Exterior paint shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to paint color, including home exterior, porch, handrails, doors, windows, shutters, trim, gutters, downspouts, gates, fences, window boxes, even if the color remains the same, must be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Fences and walls shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of exterior fences or walls, including pet fencing, painting and staining, must be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

All white picket fences, all gates (except black patio gates), and archways between houses, attached or not attached to houses, are to be kept as originally designed, with full detail, in original placement, clean and in good repair and may not be permanently removed. Any alteration to or addition of picket fences, gates (except black patio gates), and archways between houses, attached or not attached to houses shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The BHOA may publish a notice on any needed maintenance, pressure washing, and painting of the fences, and also organize a community-wide effort for the repair and painting. The cost of the work and painting will be paid to the vendor by individual owners.

Figurines, sculptures, yard art, or garden figures, etc. shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Because items of such nature are varied in size, purpose, subject, materials, color, texture, and tone, they do not lend themselves to the common, harmonious design of the Bellewood landscape and their appeal may be largely subjective.

The display or discharge of firearms, air rifles, pellet guns, bb guns, slingshots, crossbows, bow and arrows or other similar devices (except by law enforcement officers performing their duties) and fireworks are not permitted within the community.

Fire pits, fireplaces, chiminea and outdoor kitchens shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of permanent fire pits, fireplaces or outdoor kitchens shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Flags, except the flag of the Unites States of America and the current flag of the State of Georgia in accordance with the U.S. Flag Code (36 U.S.C. § 10), shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and not visible from the street. All flags shall be in scale and size of the area, kept clean and in good repair.

Fountains shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair.

Front doors shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to front doors, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. Front door windows shall not be covered with sheets, paper, plastic, blinds, shutters or other material, but instead, additional privacy may be achieved through textured glass.

All front porch décor shall be in scale to the size of the porch, kept clean and in good repair. Any planters or pots shall be of solid black or neutral color planted with healthy, live plants that are well maintained. Holiday/seasonal porch décor shall be removed no later than 14 days after said holiday.

Furniture shall be limited to the front porch, courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, kept clean and in good repair.  Any fabric shall be of solid, neutral color if within view of the street or a neighboring lot. Front porch furniture shall remain uncovered. Furniture may not be placed in side yards that are within view from the street.

Garage doors shall be kept clean, in good repair, and may not be permanently removed from a house.  Any alteration to garage doors, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. As a courtesy, doors should be kept closed when not in use. Garages shall be used primarily for the parking of vehicles and not for storage or other purposes.

Garbage cans, recycling bins and yard waste receptacles shall be stored in the garage, kept clean and in good repair. Trash and recycling shall be placed at the curb no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the day before pick up and shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours. 

All black courtyard gates and patio doors shall be kept as originally designed, with full detail, in original placement, clean and in good repair and may not be permanently removed. Any alteration to or addition of courtyard gates and patio doors shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Grills and cooking equipment shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Permanent grills are considered outdoor kitchens. 

Gutter and downspouts shall be kept clean, in good repair, free of excess debris, and may not be permanently removed from a house.  Any alteration to or addition of gutters and downspouts, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The homeowner is responsible for maintaining adequate drainage to the sewer. 

Handrails shall be kept clean, in good repair and may not be permanently removed from a house.  Any alteration to or addition of handrails, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Heating and air conditioning screening shall be, to the maximum extent possible, screened with shrubs and concealed from view of the street and neighboring lots, kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of heating and air conditioning units and screening, including painting, must be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Lawns and landscaping shall be well maintained, free of weeds, debris and dead plant matter and kept in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of lawns and landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

To protect the equity of the individual homeowners and preserve the character of the community as a homogeneous residential community of predominantly owner-occupied homes, homeowners shall comply with the leasing restrictions set forth in Article 7.5 of the Covenants (see also First Amendment). “Leasing” is defined as the regular, exclusive occupancy by any person or persons other than the Owner (excluding the child(ren) and/or parent(s) of an Owner). A roommate living alongside an Owner in their primary Bellewood residence is not considered leasing. The leasing of homes in Bellewood is prohibited subject to the exceptions of Grandfathering and Holders of First Mortgages as Owners as described in the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Declaration of Protective Covenants, Restrictions, and Easement for Bellewood. 

Exterior lighting shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of exterior lighting, including landscaping and driveway lighting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The design, type, location, size, color, and intensity of all exterior lights shall be subject to control by the ARC. Solar landscaping lights shall be limited to courtyards and backyards. Holiday/seasonal lighting shall be removed no later than 14 days after said holiday.

Mailboxes shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to mailboxes, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The BHOA may publish a notice on any needed maintenance, repair and painting of the mailboxes, and also organize a community-wide effort for the repair and painting. The cost of the work and painting will be paid to the vendor by individual owners.

All owners must park their vehicles inside the garage with the garage door closed. Routine parking on the roadways or the exterior parking pad of the house is prohibited. All vehicles, including owner’s vehicles and/or their invitee’s vehicles, shall be parked only in the garage parking spaces and not on the exterior parking pad or on the streets. If the vehicle of an owner’s invitee exceeds the number of garage parking spaces serving the lot, the vehicle may be parked on the parking pad or safely on the street for up to twenty-four (24) hours. Housekeepers, caregivers and other regular service personnel should park first in the driveway and not on the streets. Any parking on the street should avoid the cul-de-sacs if possible. Homeowners needing temporary waivers to park outside of the garage for a specific, limited time period shall contact the Board for approval.

While away from the Owner’s lot, dogs and other pets shall be confined on a leash as stipulated by the City of Dunwoody Animal Ordinance. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to properly collect and dispose of any pet waste and to ensure their guests with pets do the same. Pets shall not be permitted to make loud, intermittent or continual noise.

Recreation and play equipment, swing sets, or other recreational apparatus or equipment shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of recreation equipment shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. Basketball poles, backboards, rims and nets are not permitted in any location.

Shingles shall be kept clean, in good repair and may not be permanently removed from a house.  Any alteration to shingles, including replacement, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The ARC may require a specific type and color of shingle to be used.

Satellite dishes of 18” or smaller may be attached to a home as long as they are not within view from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Placement shall also take into consideration the view from surrounding homes. Any satellite dish equipment, including brackets, cables, etc., no longer in active use shall be removed.

The gate system, including the privacy gates (vehicle and pedestrian) and the camera system, is not intended to replace an individual alarm system. The Association does not assure that the gate and/or camera system provides personal protection or security to any Owner or Occupant, their personal possessions or to guests or invitees. Homeowners shall understand that they, along with any tenants, family members, and guests, may be video recorded entering, exiting and moving within the community.

Shutters shall be kept clean, in good repair and may not be permanently removed from a house.  Any alteration to or addition of shutters, including painting, shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Signage shall be kept clean and in good repair. No sign of any kind shall be erected or displayed unless approved by the ARC. An owner shall be permitted to place a “For Sale” and/or “For Rent” sign shingle on the Bellewood sign outside the development and more information on real estate signs may be obtained from the ARC. Signs required by foreclosure regulations are permitted, but also require prior ARC approval.

Swimming pools and hot tubs shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, not visible from the street, kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of swimming pools and hot tubs shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. Above ground swimming pools are not permitted in any location.

Stepping stones shall be kept clean and in good repair. Any alteration to or addition of stepping stones shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The ARC may require a specific type and color of stepping stones to be used.

Trees shall be well maintained, free of debris and in kept in good repair. Any significant alteration to, addition of or removal of trees shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC. The Willow Oaks are maintained by the Association, but homeowners have the responsibility to irrigate and prevent any damage to the trees. Homeowners are not permitted to trim the Willow Oaks without approval from the ARC and Bellewood’s arborist. Any other ornamental trees on the property are the responsibility of the homeowner.

Umbrellas shall be limited to courtyards and backyards and shall be in scale to the size of the area, kept clean and in good repair. Height shall be what is considered customary and standard for umbrellas for residences. Umbrellas shall be a solid pattern of neutral color if within view of the street or a neighboring lot.

Window boxes shall be kept clean, in good repair and refreshed seasonally, as needed.  All window boxes shall be planted with healthy, live plants that are well maintained.  Any alteration to or addition/removal of window boxes shall be submitted to and approved by the ARC.

Woodpiles shall be concealed from view of the street, neighboring units and property located adjacent to the community.

revised 04/17/18, 04/23/18, 3/11/20, 05/08/23, 8/21/23, 1/14/24

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