Homeowner Parking
Parking in Bellewood is restricted by the number of parking spaces within the garage. All vehicles shall be parked only in parking spaces serving the Lot and not on the exterior parking pad or on the streets within the Development. BHOA Rules allow homeowners needing temporary waivers to park outside of the garage for a specific, limited time period to contact the Board for approval.
- Please email the BHOA Board to request a temporary parking waiver. Contact information is located on the BHOA Board of Directors page.
Guest Parking
Cars and heavy service equipment parked on the brick sidewalks can crack and jostle the bricks creating potential pedestrian hazards. As a result, we periodically have to level areas to create a safer environment on our sidewalks.
You can help by reminding all guests and vendors not to park on the bricks, but only on the paved street. For those in cul-de-sacs, inviting your guests and service vendors to park on your parking pad is preferable to parking on the bricks if the vehicle path is narrowed by your guest. If you see your guest has parked up on the sidewalk, please ask them to reposition their vehicle. Often, this message is better received from the customer or a friend, versus another homeowner.
- Click here to download a friendly notice to place on vehicles parked on the bricks or the grass.
- Please keep in mind damage that may be created by owner’s guests becomes the responsibility of the homeowner to repair. Replacement bricks are no longer available, and the shared goal is to maintain the beauty and functionality of what we have for as long as possible.
- If you are hosting an event with a high demand for parking, we have green parking cones that you can use to designate appropriate parking areas. Please email the BHOA Board to request to borrow the parking cones. Contact information is located on the BHOA Board of Directors page.
Bellewood Covenants - Article 7: Use Restrictions and Rules
7.6 Vehicles: Parking
(a) Generally: The Association, by and through the Board, is hereby authorized to promulgate, administer, and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing parking within the Development. The term “vehicles,” as used herein, means any and every thing used for transporting people or goods on land, sea or air. The term “parking spaces serving the Lot” shall refer to the number of garage parking spaces. All vehicles, whether owned by an Owner, an Occupant or an Owner’s invitee or licensee, shall be parked only in parking spaces serving the Lot and not on the exterior parking pad or on the streets within the Development; provided, however, that if a vehicle of an Owner’s invitee or licensee exceed the number of parking spaces serving the Lot, said vehicle may be parked in the streets within the Development for up to twenty-four (24) hours provided said vehicle is not blocking another vehicle, obstructing the flow of traffic, creating a hazardous condition or constituting a nuisance. Routine parking on the roadways or the exterior parking pad of the house is prohibited. Housekeepers, caregivers and other regular service personnel should park first in the driveway of the pertinent lot and not on the streets within the Development. Any parking on the street should avoid the cul-de-sacs, if possible.
(b) Garages. Unless otherwise approved in accordance with Article 6 hereof, each residential structure on a Lot shall include a garage with a minimum of two (2) parking spaces and overhead doors that when shut completely cover the garage entrance. As a courtesy, garage doors should be kept closed at all times, except during times of ingress and egress from the garage. Garages shall be used primarily for the parking of vehicles and not for storage or other purposes. Garages shall not be converted to additional living space.
(c) Commercial Vehicles. The term “commercial vehicles” as used in this paragraph, shall include, without limitation, any vehicle which bears any indicia of commercial use, including, but not limited to, writing, logos, ladders, ladder racks, vehicles displaying signage of a commercial or business nature or vehicles that are not primarily used for the transportation of passengers, all as determined by the Board in its sole discretion. Commercial vehicles shall not be permitted in the Development unless kept in an enclosed garage; provided, however, that no eighteen (18) wheel trucks or the cabs or such trucks or trucks with a load capacity in excess of three quarters of a ton shall be parked, kept or stored within the Development. Notwithstanding the foregoing, commercial vehicles shall be exempt from this provision for such period of time as is reasonably necessary to provide service to or make a delivery within the Development provided they park in the driveway of the pertinent Lot when present in the Development.
(d) Remedies of the Association for Noncompliance. If any vehicle is parked on any portion of the Common Area in violation of this Article 7.6 or in violation of the Association’s rules and regulations, the Board or agent of the Association may place a notice on the vehicle specifying the nature of the violation and stating that after twenty-four (24) hours the vehicle may be towed. The notice shall include the name and telephone number of the person or entity that will do the towing and the name and telephone number of a person to contact regarding the alleged violation. If twenty-four (24) hours after such notice is placed on the vehicle the violation continues or thereafter occurs again within twelve (12) months of such notice, the Board or agent of the Association may have the vehicle towed in accordance without further notice to the Owner or user of the vehicle. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if a vehicle parked on the Common Area,including the private Development streets, is blocking another vehicle, is obstructing the flow of traffic, is parked on any grassy or landscaped area, or otherwise creates a hazardous condition, no notice shall be required and the Board or agent of the Association may have the vehicle towed immediately. If a vehicle is towed in accordance with this Article 7.6, the Association and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees or agents shall not be liable to any Person for any claim of damage resulting from the towing activity. The Board of Directors may exercise any and all remedies available for a violation of this Article 7.6, including, without limitation, the right to levy and collect fines against non-complying Owners or Occupants, which remedies shall be in addition to not in lieu of its authority to remove the violating vehicle.
All residents must park their vehicles inside the garage with the garage door closed. Routine parking on the roadways or the exterior parking pad of the house is prohibited. Guests and service providers are encouraged to park on the driveway pads when possible, not in the street. Please limit parking in the cul-de-sacs and along the parks as it inhibits passage to other cars and delivery/service vehicles. Homeowners needing temporary waivers to park outside of the garage for a specific, limited time period should contact the Board for approval.